You are here: Email Marketing / EmailLabs > Segments > Segments -- Overview

Segments -- Overview

A Segment is a subset of contacts in a list. Segments help you target your message to a specific recipient group. When you create a segment and then attach it to a message, the message is sent only to the contacts who meet the restrictions of the segment. These can include demographic restrictions (for example, only contacts in a specific age range or location) or activity restrictions (for example, only contacts who opened a previous message). You can combine both types of restrictions in the same segment.

There is a multitude of ways to segment your mailing list contacts, for example:

A segment consists of segment logic. Segment logic is a set of attribute-based or activity-based conditions that specifies which contacts are included in the segment.

Logic conditions can be combined into condition groups and are evaluated using the AND and OR logical operators.

After you create a segment, you need to generate it so that it can be used in the list.

ClosedSegment logic
ClosedAttribute-based conditions
ClosedActivity-based conditions
ClosedLogical operators
ClosedCondition Groups


Next step

Working with segments